From version 4.1.0 of the Dynamic Categories Module, it is possible to build rules in progresseive steps of results.
You can insert a new SUB RESULT combiner, which will use the result from the preceding rule sets to limit the results of the linked rule set.
Using SUB RESULTS, you can build a category by combining the results of multiple rule sets, progressively to one result.
Sounds confusing? It is really very simple, and an example will explain it best.
An example usage case:
- You have many simple products on sale (these can be part of configurables)
- Products exist in multiple child categories of top level categories : Mens and Womans
- You want to display the products on sale, in two sale categories: Mens and Womans
- You only want to display the Configurables of any simples that are on special (this is very handy if you have Simple Configurable Products module installed, which sets the specials on the simples, and not the configurables)
Introducing the 'Staging' Catgeory
This is simply a category that is enabled, but set not to appear in the menus.
This category will hold the results of all our simple products that has a discount, and any simples that are part of configurables, will be transposed to the configurables.
You can then use this staging category as the source of all your planned sales categories.

The next step will be to define your actual categories. The rules in these categories will limit the results to the staging category products, as well as limit that the parent category should be either the Mens, or womans Categories
The end result (in the example below) is products, on sale, that only exist in the Womans category.
This technique can also be used to make rules work with the Simple Configurable Products module.